
Be The Woman you Know you can be!

Be the woman You know you can be Enjoy the air The sun at the sea Don't fret about fear Don't fear about fair Just run the race And show that you dare Because hey you! You are amazing.. You can be a soft petal But also a fire blazing! You will find everything you want Right inside of you You will be anything you want When your time is due I believe you are made for great things You will ace at what life brings It doesn't matter where you are It doesn't matter what your role Without you there will be no creativity And all homes will be a hole You have your own persona Bring it out Make it shine Don't let anyone talk you into being someone you yourself may not like! So please, try to gaze at what I see Look inside! you a capable of greatness Be the woman you know you can be.. Be happy! Be beauuuuuuutifil... Happiest Women's Day to each and everyone of you! - Qurious Writer 😘

Top 5 Ways to Express Love Everyday (not just on Valentine’s Day)

It’s that time of the year again! It’s all about love and romances everywhere. Whichever store you walk into, it looks like it has been washed with pink and red hearts and then sprinkled with roses! I don’t mean to kill the spirit of V-day, I love the decoration and the liveliness in the atmosphere, it does create a different mood. However, I don’t understand why V-day should be exclusively ‘the’ day to show someone how much you love them. Personally, I would rather express love in small and unique ways every day than wait an entire year and be clichéd about it. So this is me, sharing my ‘Top 5 Ways to Express Love Everyday (not just on Valentine’s Day)’. Here it goes for you beautiful lovers out there: 1. Be Funny Make them laugh. Laughing is literally the fastest way to reach someone’s heart. Think about it, don’t you love people who make you laugh? No matter who they are, you like to be around people who crack you up and lighten up your mood after a stress

7 Tried and Tested Ways to Potty Train your Child

Potty Training!! If you cringed at these terrifying words, then you are in the same boat as me. Potty training is probably the most feared and difficult phase of the parenting life. Even though it is a skill that toddlers will learn eventually, to parents it's a phase that needs so much work and dedication. Just when you thought, that the diaper changing days are over; the accident cleaning and sanitizing days knock you on the head. That's what we always think right? When they grow older it will all be better. Unfortunately, as they grow older they demand more attention, time, commitment and love. Often in the phase of potty training, we forget that the child is much more petrified than us because this is a very new experience for them. It is important that they accept this change while taking away happy memories from it. This learning is something they will sustain for life because they will use the potty for as long as they live. It's not like math! If th

Top 5 Reasons Why Handwritten Letters are Important

This recently happened to me: “I returned in the evening, somewhat tired and somewhat in a hurry to end the day and get some peace from the daily chaos (read toddler issues), I checked my mail before I went upstairs, and I found something so beautiful waiting  in my mailbox, along with the usual junk mails that my daughter uses as canvas for her art! I saw a handwritten envelope with my name and address, with the most beautiful stamp I have ever seen; at that moment, I jumped, (literally), and my chaotic day was overcome with the feeling of glee and gratitude. I went home, carefully tore the envelope and saw a letter from someone special, who had taken the time to make my day special as well. It's been a few days since I received this mail, but I have it up on my refrigerator and I read it every day and I feel ecstatic.” What's so amazing about this really small letter? There is nothing that I have not read before or nothing that this person couldn't have sai

Top 5 Reasons you Must Choose your Friends Wisely

Friendship is the most beautiful thing in the ocean of relationships. It is a feeling, an expression and sometimes a mentor. Since, friends have the capability of being your guiding light, it becomes your duty to turn on your flash light and look for your friends with scrutiny and acceptance alike; much like mining diamonds from rocks. So often, we can’t tell the difference between an acquaintance and a friend. To many people, it is a ‘ To-may-to: To-mah-to’ difference, but really, it is a tomato-  potato  difference! I use this metaphor to make a point though, ‘Friends, if chosen wisely can make all the difference in the world’. With the right company, you will find yourself at peace, rather than just being present in pretension at a social gathering.   The “not friend- just an acquaintance” issue will be faced by many introverts like myself. This approach may seem weird or even anti-social to my socialite buddies!  Yet! Here I am trying to prove that choosing friends

Sassy Comebacks for Body Shaming

Body shaming, body shaming everywhere. How much are you going to bare? Therefore, I bring to you sassy comebacks for all those nasty comments that the society has been throwing at you. This is the last and final part of my Body Shaming series, part 4; you can read part 1 , 2 and 3 , here . You don't always have to reply to the shamers, ignoring is the best policy; however, sometimes it gets too much to take and some verbal fight back is required. This is for yourself, to save your dignity and to shut down those who shame, thus discouraging them to be mean to someone else. The thing is, maybe they don't even realize that there is damage happening by their comment, thus sometimes, expressing that you're offended brings it to their notice. Once this is brought to their attention, 90% of these people will think before passing a comment next time, because most people want to be nice to others and are good at heart (at least I believe this!). So if you ever hap

Part 3- Body Shaming: The Bully and the Victim

It's all over the media, if you simply Google body shaming you get soooooooo many case studies. People are testifying against body shaming, and that is a big step towards a respectful world. All being said and done, the number of people feeling shamed is alarming. Knowing or unknowingly you have body shamed someone at some point in your life. Even I am guilty of this crime, of course, only until I became aware and enlightened that this is actually a social problem, and it is much greater than just simply passing a comment.  you are currently reading Part 3 of my Body Shaming series. To read part 1 and part 2 , simply click the hyperlinks. While researching all the people who are shamed, I came across some cases that just left me speechless, and also I felt sorry for all the people who get into the act of shaming in the first place. Let me explain this with more description. Who is shamed? The answer is EVERYONE! Actors, sports people, celebrities, children,

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