Question You Must Ask on Your First Date

The butterflies in your stomach, the surprise element, the nervousness, the excitement...and the newness! This is precisely how we all feel when we meet a “might become a special person” for the first time. But how would you decide that? This article focuses on the questions you must ask on your very first date before you go any further. These questions are focused towards both men and women alike. Why this is important? You might ask!...because one bad relationship is not the end of the world. It is true, but i strongly believe that, every second wasted is a second lost forever, and you don't want to lose it with the wrong person. If you are keen, you will find your right person. There is never a guarantee, but you know you tried. I consider a first date to be more or less like an interview where you are the employer and the employee both at the same time. The chances are you are applying for this job for job change, no midlife career have to work for...