5 Crucial Adjustments newlywed couples HAVE TO make!

Congratulations!!! You are now married (or soon will be). It all feels so magical when you think about life after being someone’s spouse, and it is! It is an amazing learning curve, when you are able to independently make a life with another person. Needless to say, this will happen with a few ups and downs, a few disagreements and many make – up sessions. Maybe you don't know your spouse so well, maybe you know your spouse since you were a child; but marriage often divides time into before and after. It is a new life all together. Everything might seem the same the next day after you say ‘I DO’, except that, you have to share everything from now on, and I mean each and everything! (God help you, if you haven’t been the sharing type). It is just like they say before a roller coaster, “Brace yourselves, it is going to be a bumpy ride”. Your newly married life is just like the roller coaster ride; too short to fight rough and give up. To help you go through this ride I h...