A Man with a Womb

She is just a regular girl,
With a little twist
She thinks straight to the point
No shiny things on her wrist

She dresses in girly clothes
But she is comfortable in her brother’s
She has a rough pigtail tied back
She knows no style another.
She can’t whisper,
She is way too loud
You will spot her with the guys
Among the sports crowd

She wears little makeup
Most of it is enforced
Find her with the jersey
With her favorite team endorsed

Her appetite is like a horse
Many slices of pizza with soda, of course
She sits back with her guys to play Xbox
By the couch you might find her soccer socks

She hikes, she camps, she is not afraid of the dark
She chooses sky diving instead of the park
Her interests exclude malls and shopping
Neither does she like any kitchen chopping

She is different and yet unique in her own way
And hey! Why should she bother what others say?
She is pretty like the girls but also logical like the guys
She could be smarter than most in the room
She has the best of both worlds
She is the man with the womb!


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