5 Things that Keep You Stress Free

We live in an age where there is no stopping. We often feel that pausing even for a second will cause a catastrophic damage to our day to day schedules. Studies prove that more and more people are reaching out to therapists, psychologists for the increasing level of stress and frustration one gathers overtime. It is important now than ever before to find our own quick fixes for stress, such, that don't need any expert aid. Let me share some of my teeny tiny stress buster methods, which go a long way.

1. Be an Early Bird.
This might feel like a huge change for all those who love their last 5 minute sleep in the morning before kick-starting the day. But my advice to you is that the earlier you wake up the lesser you will rush, often this morning rush gets you exhausted, when you start your day you are already half down by stress only because you caught that 5 minutes of sleep. Once your alarm goes off, be sure to get up. We have all heard the saying, “You snooze; you lose”.
Make a subtle change; take a 10 minutes heads-up in your schedule. Its JUST 10 minutes. Wake up 10 minutes earlier than usual, and everything will follow, giving you spare time of 10 minutes to relax, have breakfast in peace, and have light hearted conversation with your family or whatever else you want to do. Those 10 minutes will definitely make a difference for good.

2. Plan ahead.
Try to plan beforehand. You are not expected to make major life plans, just simple one's, e.g. what you want to wear tomorrow (keep it prepared and ready to wear), what you want to eat/cook (pre-prepare some stuff if possible), what are your priorities for the day after, a to do list, shopping list if you have any.
Spontaneous people might find it difficult to plan. They should start with one thing at a time. Start with thinking about tomorrow, for example, just think and visualize tomorrow's chores. Once you master the skills of planning in your head, you can slowly move forward and act towards your plan.
This will allow you to wake up with a clear head, when otherwise; you would wake up thinking too many things. The more you think the more you stress.

3. Get some 'ME’ time.
Make sure you find a time in the day that is yours and yours alone. Even if it is 15-30 minutes of the day, but it needs to be dedicated just for you. No family or friends at all. In this time, do whatever it is that you want to do, or don't. Pick up your hobby, cook, exercise, watch television (or simply stare at a wall), be sure to do something that helps you relax and smile.

4. Be a Blank Slate:
Before you sleep at night, practice being a ‘Blank Slate’. Clear up your mind of everything, no matter how important, happy or sad. Just push it out. This will help you maintain your sanity. Happy and sad both events make you anxious. Anxiousness often hinders sleep. To be stress-free you need good sleep. So go ahead and hold your thoughts until tomorrow, because today you need rest.

5. Talk to a person.
With the advancement in technology, it is important to mention that I am talking about a conversation between two breathing individuals and not Google Home or Apple Siri!
That is the Crux of my point. Take a break from your devices; give your mind some rest. (eyes too!)
When we constantly look at our devices (28 hours out of 24) our brain is working in overtime. Instead of Googling everything, bring back the long lost art of discussion. Share your thoughts and conversation with your loved ones. It is the most trusted way of relieving your stress. Remember, a person can comfort and cuddle, a device cannot.

All of the above are really small changes, if made in the right manner; they will keep you far away from stress and frustration that often lead to trauma and heart problems.

Be Happy, Be Healthy!

(Share your secret methods to remain stress free in the comments section below.)


  1. Thanks alot for these tips @quriouswriter. Much needed. Will surely try to implement these in my routine..😍😍😘

    1. Hey Shrutee,
      So glad I could help...try them out and let me know how they work out for you!

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